Travels in the Van 2024: Week Six

We are building up to the cycling challenge of this trip. The plan is to cycle up to the Col de portal to the Spanish/French border and back down one day. Then drive up again and down to a village the other side, camp, sleep, and then cycle back up to the same border place - and back down again. As we drive to the Pyrenees, and up to the town of Biescas, with the landscape changing, the streams flowing icy green-blue down to the river, I'm reminded of how powerful and terrible nature can be. We pass the memorial to the 87 people who died at Camping Las Nieves during a flash flood in 1996. I can’t help, but think that in the cheerful little town that we arrive at, and park up in the car park by the river, that event must’ve affected the community hugely. It’s the end of the skiing season and not many places in town are open, but we find somewhere to sit to eat, and chat to a Spanish family who are there for the skiing, and whose 13 year old wants to practice his English wit...